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Friday, September 06 2024 @ 05:04 PM CDT

Many of you were looking for this one. Conspiracy in the Heavens

Book Reviews

The author, Susan Reed, died under mysterious circumstances while she was preparing this manuscript.

A large number of our viewers have puchased and read her first book, The Body Snatchers, and know what torments the author was subjected to, by demonic, reptilian entities.

She faced even more alien harrasment while preparing this final chapter of her life on this planet.

Conspiracy in the Heavens
Sex, lies and a karma secret
By Susan Reed

About this Book

This book is being published posthumously. The author using the pen name Susan Reed, was sending us her files for about a year before her mysterious death on a Caribbean island.

Susan Reed, (pen-name for Jennie Gosbell) intended to visit TGS Publishing in Texas while she was on a sabbatical in the Americas, but that meeting never came to fruition.

The few telephone conversations with Jennie over our years of working with her left us amazed and concerned. She was a savant in our opinion: She was a genius on so many topics, but appeared illiterate when it came to writing, emailing, and other things most people take for granted. (Or she was indeed being interfered with by alien entities.)

One thing for sure, Jennie Gosbell was a tortured soul, and in her two books she attempted to describe and inform the world of the evil entities who were constantly torturing her. After her mysterious disappearance, one would tend to believe that her revelations are true. She lived in her own Twilight Zone, that most of us would find hard to imagine.

Yet her stories of alien-reptilian attacks are not unique to her alone for others have written of similar and same experiences. Even a Christian missionary to the Philippines related his unfortunate contact with a reptilian demon. These tales are very real for those who have eyes to see and experience this mind-body-soul attack against them.

We never received Jennie's final package that was to include a number of pictures for the book, to help substantiate the abuse she suffered at the hands of the reptile-aliens. It was one of her constant battles to get material to us or mail back to her. One of her royalty checks floated around for many months, finally landing at her parent's home after Jennie's death.

At times the story revealed seems incoherent and at the same time you feel the pain that Jennie was enduring attempting to put the revelation to pen and paper. This is definitely her story without the touch of a professional editor. This is a story of reptilian demonic forces, Jennie's demons. According to her she fought them at every turn to get this manuscript finished.

We pray her mind, body and soul has found release from these attacks in the next world.

TGS Publishing


This is a book about karma thieves. It follows my experiences in the first book the “ Body Snatchers” and takes me into the dark side of the angelic realm where Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel and Mary Magdelene are dark sided. And work together as the Gabriel Crime family to steal a karma secret. Ettissh the reptilian who featured in the Body Snatchers bribes them with a reptilian secret on karma and his deal is, they can’t use it unless they kill me. They then set about trying to kill me for 3 years, persecuting me. . I am the karma police to them, see Radiohead’s “The karma police because they are criminals
The book culminates at a cult called the Temple of the presence with the significant confession by Archangel Michael to Saint Germaine that he has joined the reptilians

In April 2009 Archangel Michael confessed that my higher self knew nothing about the karma secret and therefore I was innocent over this topic and it also went in part to clear Steve’s name , which a reptilian host was called Brian in the Body Snatchers. My innocence can be explained by the fact that the chapter was written by Shurl, a hireling of Ettissh’s . A draconian from the human secrecy level worked with me on this subject as well. He had married Ettissh who was confessing to the draconian how he was trying to kill me because of Ettissh’s own fear of punishment over the karma secret. Ettissh obviously felt guilty and confesses this to his marriage partners who then try and kill me for this., I currently have five of ettissh's marriage partners knowingly trying to kill me because of Ettissh's fear of his punishment: Tom, the hawk draconian, archangel Michael, The secrecy draconian, Mary as well. Ettissh has shown his fear of punishment to me , he fears the prison where the draconian get eternally tortured, our idea of hell.
Working with the secrecy draconian I recalled the following facts to prove my innocence and explain who was guilty. The guilty parties are Shurl and Ettissh working together and not Steve.

1.Steve had disconnected from me before Shurl wrote the karma secret in a book for my Will. I didn’t believe it.

2 To prove Shurl wrote the chapter I can clearly remember being embarrassed at the dramatic terms she would use. She entitled it the timeline tragedy for one. And more. Mary edited this chapter and the whole will book

2a When I explained how I was forced to work on the karma secret just on myself the secrecy being instantly recognized it as a good cop, bad cop method used by Ettissh being the bad Cop and Shurl being the good cop. I was harmed by Ettissh in my aura “electrocuting me” whilst he said this was my karma and then Shurl offered relief by posing to help me out of it. Shurl said to me that the only reason she was staying with ettissh was because of the timeline. I was loyal to the draconian because of Steve and therefore they had to use the good cop bad cop technique on me involving pain

2b.I would try and stop Ettissh by telling hi9m my feelings that he may go to a rock planet for what he was doing. This I repeated on about 50 occasions to try and stop him

3.She didn’t believe what was written and eventually Ettissh convin
ced her by giving her some factual in formation on what lives had been affected in my timeline!. He used this to gain help and power for himself and harm to me.

4. Next I was trying to get help from Archangel Gabriel with ettissh. Gabriel started to remove Ettissh because I was in such a desperate situation and then Ettissh told Gabriel the karma secret which resulted in him being placed back in my aura. Ettissh then had sex with Gabriel and Gabriel was very excited by the info he had got from Ettissh. Ettissh then got Gabriel to try and kill me for the next two years before he could go top the karmic board. I became to him like the karma police ( see radio head’s karma police)who was preventing him stealing the karma secret . This deal with Gabriel and ettisssh that they can only do the karma secret if I am dead continues probably with Ettissh fearing punishment as the rationale. Archangel Michael works for Gabriel and is still trying to kill me for the karma secret. Radiohead explain this well with the karma police lyrics . Archangel Michael confessed to me that he was doing this and why Steve was tortured continues with his attempts on my life for the same reason. Archangel Michael never gives up so he is still doing it. He gives the reason that Mary is only going to do the karma secret if I have a stamped cord.

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